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Brain Teaser: Can you find the values of A, B, and C without using a calculator?

Most of us often scroll through our social media feeds for maths brain teasers. And once we solve them, we love challenging our friends and family with them. And if you are looking for one right away, we have one for you. Shared on X, this brain teaser challenges people to solve it without using a calculator. Do you consider yourself a maths whiz? If so, solve this brain teaser and prove that you are one.
“Calculate without a calculator?” reads the caption to the brain teaser shared on X. The brain teaser shows four boxes, each further divided into four with numbers written inside them based on a pattern. You need to deduce this pattern and find the values of A, B and C. The brain teaser also challenges people to find their sum without using a calculator. Can you solve this one?
The brain teaser was shared on Apri 10 on X. The post has since received numerous likes and comments from people.
“18+36+15 = 69,” posted an individual.
Another simply wrote, “165.”
A third X user claimed that “23” is the correct answer to this brain teaser.
“A=18. B=36. C=3,” expressed a fourth.
Earlier, a brain teaser was shared on Instagram Threads with the claim that it is ‘only for genius’. It challenged people to guess the number that should come in place of the question mark. The brain teaser showed a wheel with numbers. At the centre is number 5. Can you solve it?
